I put my driving shoes on today and made great time from Madison to Minneapolis without really speeding to speak of (I rarely if ever speed much on the highway). Wisconsin is the first state since Tennessee to have any real scenic land to drive across, and the rolling plains dotted with dairy farms were very cool. One interesting landmark on the way was a place called Wisconsin Dells, which can best be described as Myrtle Beach on steroids. It was the ultimate in touristy kitsch, as evidenced by the vast number of amusement parks and other such silliness. Case in point, this Trojan Horse at the entrance to the Mt. Olympus park.
Upon arriving in Minneapolis, I parked near the Mississippi River at a place called Saint Anthony Falls. This is almost the extreme north end of the river and once featured the only waterfall on the Upper Mississippi. The falls have since been covered by a concrete apron and dams installed. Here's the view from just down river on the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Trail.
I finished the walk around the trail, had a quick dinner of fish and chips at Tuggs before heading to my home base for the night at Casey's friend Anne's house. Special thanks to Anne for the fine (and free) accommodations.
Tomorrow we start to get serious. Mall of America, lunch, then on to North Dakota.
Oh, and I know it's been the weekend and all, but don't you love me? No comments? I'm not blogging for my health here.
Hi, Bobby! I can't comment on Minnesota since I've never been there. But I am thoroughly enjoying reading your adventures and it sounds like you're having a blast. Can't wait to hear about NDakota!! Be well, be safe and thanks for entertaining me with your stories. Keep it up.
You're a mailboxhead. How's that for a comment?
Hey Bobby, I was going to leave a comment on your Saturday post expressing my disbelief that you went to a stranger's house and to remind you of the Desmond Johnson's of the world but then I thought that these are probably the experiences that will make your trip so I held my tongue. Have fun, be careful, and keep posting everyday - it gives me something to read besides perezhilton.
Do we love you? Come now, Bobby. Of course we hate you, err, love you. No, I mean hate you. I'm still trying to figure out a way to sabotage your trip before you cross into Washington and break my personal record of 48 states. Damn you and your youthful ambition!
Ride the coaster. Totally worth it.
Yea, like Newport I don't like you very much either. Hence the post. I really got nothin' other than that, other than that I was in Minnesota in the summer about 5 yrs about and it was as hot as NC but no one had air conditioning. And they talk funny. I guess it had more in common with NC than I had thought.
if you can't find something to buy at the mall of america, you aren't trying hard enough.
William Least Heat-Moon meets Ken Kesey meets Jack Kerouac. Travels with Bobby is my favorite travelblogue!!!!
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